Watch the film: '3rd World Canada'
The film "3rd World Canada" is an unfiltered introduction to the past and present state of reconciliation in Canada through the story of one family, in one remote fly-in reserve, deep in the boreal forest of northwestern Ontario.
Since the 'Truth and Reconciliation Commission', reconciliation is Canada's goal to foster a respectful relationship between Indigenous Peoples and Canadians. To achieve this, the starting point is a truthful account of Canada’s history of injustices towards Indigenous People. Starting with 'truth' allows us to move to a place of hope and understanding. Without ‘truth-telling’, we cannot journey towards reconciliation.
The community and family who participated in the film, did so to raise awareness of the Third World conditions in Canada. They wanted to open our eyes and hearts, in the hope that through education and awareness comes positive change for Indigenous Peoples and for Canada.
Pre-viewing Disclaimer & Warning:
This film may be difficult to watch because it portrays the impact of suicide on a family of young orphan siblings as well as systemic injustices that may be difficult to watch. Viewer discretion is advised. For younger audiences, such as secondary students, and for those who may find suicide a sensitive topic, a 30-minute version of the film was created to offer an alternative. You can access this adapted version, at the bottom page and in the bonus video sections. A francophone version of both is also available in the bonus section.
The Film
'3rd World Canada'
In every module, at the bottom of the page, we will suggest bonus viewing videos from your ‘Bonus Learning’ library. Questions in the final quiz will not pertain to these bonus sections and these videos can be watched throughout this unit, or you may choose to view them at your leisure, after completing the 10 modules. Every season, more videos are being added to your bonus learning section.
Bonus Viewing:
Ten years after the making of ‘3rd World Canada’ Productions Cazabon returned to the remote fly-in community of Kitchenuhmaykoosib Inninuwug to film short education videos for the classroom and for learners of all ages with the First Nations, Métis & Inuit Education Association of Ontario.
Kitchenuhmaykoosib Inninuwug - short video series
Each video is 3 to 7 min. in length.
This 10-video series was co-created with the community’s Indigenous educators and highlight themes and content that the community wanted to share with classrooms as well as for the education of their own children. The series was created in English and in some sections in Oji-cree for the northern communities in Ontario and Manitoba. The series was also translated in French.
You can access the full series in the ‘BONUS LEARNING’ section in English and in French.