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Indigenous Awareness Training Course

for CCUA Members


Register to the course: For help with registration or any questions, contact Client Solutions at 1.888.367.1386 or

Watch Short video trailer of the course: 2:25 min. 

4 Seasons of Reconciliation is a multi-media teaching unit that promotes a renewed relationship between Indigenous Peoples and Canadians, through transformative multi-media learning. This educational initiative, developed  for secondary, post-secondary and the workplace incorporates teacher guides, slideshows, videos and films along with engaging online portals.

6 min. Trailer to the Award-Winning Reconciliation Film Series:

These trailers provide you with a sense of the quality of the films as well as their potential to inspire and move people in a good way towards reconciliation. Two films are directed by the Elders of First Nations University of Canada. They can be customized within the course or be provided as bonus learning. This trailer also features the film, Economic Reconciliation. The full length version is typically part of Module 1 in the workplace course.

4 minShort video overview of the course. This video is part of the start of the course to provide context and the inspiration behind the course before the learner begins. 


Indigenous Awareness Training



Modular online learning course:

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Benefiting the workplace:


Professional Development Unit:

The 4 Seasons of Reconciliation resource is available for professional development use in workplaces and educator sectors. This resource will assist your organization in meeting some of the ‘Truth & Reconciliation’ Calls to Actions. Watch video preview of this unit here below.


Download Course Flyer in PDF by clicking the blue button here:


Register to the course: For help with registration or any questions, contact Client Solutions at 1.888.367.1386 or


Nos ressources sont disponibles en français:


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Advisory circle

The Indigenous Advisory Circle participates in key executive decisions for both the resources and the campaign. The circle is grounded at the centre of Canada's oldest Indigenous-controlled education centre: the First Nations University of Canada.


Reconciliation Education is produced by Productions Cazabon an award-winning media & online publishing company in collaboration with the First Nations University of Canada.


Education partners and funders: